Information on accessing specialised support when challenges arise.
We are aware that not every challenge a group is facing can be resolved through the website or us offering advice over email or on the phone. Some issues, such as significant disagreements within the group around implementing boundaries, trauma or domestic abuse within the family, require offering more in-depth intervention. We, therefore, now offer groups bespoke consultation sessions which they can access whenever a significant issue arises. Each consultation session is tailored specifically to the needs of the group and the family they support.
We also offer consultations as a follow up to our Safeguarding Essentials E-learning. If you have recently completed the course and are left with any questions or concerns, please book a consultation with us.
Consultation sessions may include:
- Bespoke advisory sessions
- Bespoke training and tools
- Guidance on ensuring effective and successful support
- Managing boundaries when challenges arise
- Reflective practice sessions
- Planning next steps
- Follow up session to our Safeguarding Essentials E-learning
To discuss booking a session please email: [email protected]