Published: 07 Jun 2024  |  Category: Education  |  Stage: We have welcomed a family

Sources of funding for training and education

Find out how to access funding for training and education for refugees

Refugees who wish to go back to the profession they held before they arrived in the UK are likely to require some additional training or may need to get a qualification.  Carrying out the role they used to do may be very difficult if they don’t speak English and re-training is the best way to increase chances of finding employment.

The burden of paying for such training or qualifications does not have to lie with your group or the refugee family. There are a number of organisations in the UK that can help by offering interest free loans or grants to cover education and training expenses.

Prince’s Trust – Grants towards education and training for those aged 16-30 and not in employment or full time education. Typical grants of £175-£250. 

Refugee integration loans – Interest free loans for refugees from the Home Office. Refugees can apply for funds towards education and training for work, but also household items or rent deposits, amongst others. The amount of a loan depends on personal circumstances.

Ruth Hayman Trust – Grants towards education and training for adults who came to settle in the UK and whose first language is not English. Ruth Hayman Trust can award grants up to £1000.

Saïd Foundation – Scholarships, primarily for one year postgraduate courses. 

Sanctuary Scholarships – Scholarships for refugees and asylum seekers offered by over 70 universities across the UK covering tuition fees and, in some cases, cost of living. 

Don’t forget to ask the Job Centre for advice on available funding, courses or support they may be able to offer job seekers in the UK.

Information accurate as of June 2024.

Further resources