Indefinite Leave to Remain: Changes to status for UKRS

Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILtR) means that there is no time limit for how long you can remain in the UK. It means that you are entitled to access benefits, education, healthcare and other rights of UK Citizens. It is possible to apply for Citizenship after you have lived here for 5 years. More details…

Adopting an empowerment approach to ILtR applications

For families who arrive before winter 2021, they will have been given the right to live and work here for 5 years.  Once the family members have been in the UK for 4 years and 11 months, they will need to submit an application for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILtR).  The application process is carried out…

Changes to BRPs

The Biometric Residency Permit is the ID card that will be issued to each family member once they have arrived in the UK. It is the size of a bank card, which can be used as proof of identity, and to confirm the right to work or study in the UK and the right to access…

Family reunion

It is extremely likely that the family you support will ask you about the possibility of bringing members of their family to the UK.  Whilst it is possible in some cases to do so, it is extremely rare and very complex. This resource aims to give you some ideas on how you can address this as…

Guidance for families welcoming a baby

If the family you support has welcomed a new baby after their parents were given Indefinite Leave to Remain, the child will acquire British citizenship by birth. The family will not need to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain for the baby but can instead apply for a British Passport. The family can apply for…

Immigration information

The most important thing we can tell you is this: if you or members of the refugee family you are supporting are in need of immigration advice, you should consult a registered Immigration Adviser or Lawyer. You can identify an Immigration Adviser here. These resources are designed to give you some idea of what to expect and…

Returning to a host country

This resource has been written in conjunction with UNHCR UK. During the time you support a resettled family, the family members are likely to go through some highs and lows. They might have unrealistic hopes for life in the UK such as feeling settled or finding jobs in a short amount of time. While coming…

New Scots: Integration strategy for Scotland

The Scottish Government have implemented a refugee integration strategy for 2018-2022, which Groups will find a useful guide for the support that they offer.  The New Scots strategy is the means through which integration is implemented at national and local levels in Scotland. It has been developed over a number of years through consultation with…