Published: 27 Jan 2025  |  Category: Immigration, Jobs & careers, Resettlement, Welfare benefits  |  Stage: We are preparing for a family to arrive

eVisa FAQs

What is an eVisa?

An eVisa is an online record of someone’s immigration status and the conditions of their permission to enter or stay in the UK. A UKVI account is needed in order to be able to access an eVisa.  

How can the family we are welcoming register for eVisas?

Anyone that is welcomed and resettled in the UK under Community Sponsorship will need to have an eVisa. The Home Office will set up a UKVI account for each individual so that an eVisa can be created. Community Sponsorship groups are required to send an email address for each family member to the Home Office, at the earliest opportunity, to the following address: [email protected] . One email per family is sufficient, but individual addresses are preferred. It will take approximately 14 days for the Home Office to create the UKVI account. Confirmation that the account has been created and details of how to sign in will be sent to the email address(es) provided.

After receiving their UKVI accounts, the paper travel document (Form Affixing Visas, or FAVs) that each family member arrived on, must be returned to the Home Office.

Do children need an account?

Yes. Everyone will need their own account.

Can a person add a helper to their UKVI account?

Yes, someone from your group can be added to a UKVI account so that you can provide support. As a helper, you will have your own sign-in details and can view, edit and complete and application, but you won’t be able to access the ‘view and prove’ services or ‘Update My Details’ service.

The account holder will also have access to their UKVI account and can cancel a helper’s access to their UKVI account at any time using the ‘update your UK Visa and Immigration account details’ service.

Where a person is unable to manage their own affairs due to, for example, age or disability, a ‘proxy’, who is authorised to act on their behalf, can create and manage the account for them. For more information, please refer to guidance that explains ‘helper’ and ‘proxy’ permissions:

How can a family member prove their immigration status to someone?

Using their UKVI account sign in details, they can sign into the ‘View and Prove your immigration status: get a share code’:

A share code is a unique 9 digit number which can be given to third parties who need to check someone’s immigration status or identity. Share codes are valid for 90 days and can be used to prove a person’s right to work, right to rent (England only), or to prove their immigration status or identity for accessing services. Organisations, such as banks, that need to check a person’s identity can do so, by inputting the person’s share code and date of birth at the ‘Check someone’s immigration status: use their share code service’:

People frequently use their BRP as proof of identity and age. What should they use when they no longer have a BRP?

An eVisa is acceptable evidence of ID under the Identity Documents Act 2010. Third party checkers will need the person’s date of birth to access the view and prove service to confirm their identity

Can an eVisa be used as proof of identity when opening a bank account?

Yes. Banks can input the person’s share code and date of birth at the ‘Check someone’s immigration status: use their share code service’: The status screen will show their photo, name and date of birth.

How can someone report an error with their eVisa?

If someone is unable to see their eVisa details once they have created their UKVI account, they can report the error here:

The family we support have BRPs and need to transition to a eVisas, what should they do?

They can create a UKVI account using their BRPs or identity documents (passport). If they do not have a BRP they can still create an account. UKVI has produced a video explaining the process: How to create a UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) account and get access to your eVisa – YouTube.

I still have questions about eVisas, who can I contact?

There are four national grant-funded bodies offering free support for individuals in their transition to an eVisa. These are Migrant Help, Citizens Advice Scotland, the Welsh Refugee Council, and Advice NI. Many community-based organisations across the UK are now actively offering support. More information on who these organisations are and how to contact them can be found here